3/16/08 Is There A Happy Medium

Is there a "Happy Medium?

    Recently I was reading an article about the many differences in religions around the world and I was amazed at how many people still do not recognize spiritualism as a true religion or, even better yet, bash spiritualism because of ignorance.

    People (the ignorant ones) have nothing better to do with their time but to bad mouth anything that they don't understand. But if you ask many of them if they believe in God, guess what? 90% will say sure they do. Then ask them what was Jesus' role when he walked the earth and they'll tell you he was the savior of the people. What they won't tell you because they don't want to believe it, is that he was indeed a spiritualist who at the time had the vision that many of us have today. The difference is he was the master of it. And who is he now?

    Let's take this a step further and look at it from another angle. Some nut job wrote about how his religion is superior to all others and that nothing but his beliefs should be heard. (sounds like another Jim Jones if you ask me) he ramped and raved about how we all will perish if we don't join in and convert to save ourselves. I  hate it when people use damnation to try to convince us that what we're doing is wrong.  How do they know what good for me or you?  Take me for instance. I grew up as a Catholic and not a very good one at it. Between Sunday mass, Sunday school and my short encounter at Catholic school I still turned out to be me. I never believed in the rules that they have but that's me, not you. So what did I do? I went looking! I didn't know what I was looking for but I looked.

    I spent days and hours online searching and researching the different belief systems for the one that would fit me. My favorite was when I stumbled onto  "Non Denominational Churches" Wow! what a crowd! I had a great time with all my Christian buddies However, I knew deep inside I was not complete. I was still  missing something.

    Today I am a true believer that if you seek and you shall find. If you are not sure where you belong, ask for guidance in your meditation. In the title of this site it reads: "Look no further then where you are to find yourself" Spend some time inside yourself. You will be amazed at what you will find.

    Anyway, my point is this, when and where do we come to the point of a happy medium with all the religions in the world where everyone respects one another for who they are and what they believe in.

Why is it that you can't be a Christian or Catholic and believe in spiritualism at the same time? or believe in Judaism and spiritualism? This is the "Happy Medium" I am talking about. If we can get along in mixed marriages and married gay couples  why can't we get along in our mixed beliefs?

I know that the emails will start to pour in on this one and I encourage it. If someone has an answer to this dilemma I have please share it with my readers and help make this world we live in a better place for us all.



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